Top 5 Time-Out Strategies for Productivity at Work

Today I'm sharing your dose of inspiration to kick off the week! I'm giving you 5 different ways to take a short break & come back to your work feeling refreshed! These are my top 5 timeout strategies to make you more productive!
TIP #1 - Stand up! Take a walk! If you can't go outside, walk around your office or maybe to the water fountain for a glass of water...make it a point to give set mini goals in your work day, hit those goals - take a break or stretch! Break up monotonous tasks this way & avoid too much screentime.
TIP #2 - Smile! This may seem silly or simple - but just try it! Smiling instantly boosts your mood & those around you! There is always something to be thankful for - start your day by writing down 3 things that you are thankful for, glance at the list when you need a timeout and just - smile! Instant energy & mood boost.
TIP #3 - Listen to a TedTalk - or other inspiring video. Try exploring talks outside of your normal field to both spark new ideas and encourage imagination. Often the best problem-solving comes from our ability to combine skills across disciplines to create new solutions and outcomes.
---->BONUS = Recommended TedTalks/Resources:
-"Please, please, people. Let's put the 'awe' back in 'awesome'" Jill Shargaa
-"How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk" Will Stephen
-"A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami" Manu Prakash
TIP #4 - Do something creative! Maybe you're thinking...."But....I'm not creative?" Lies! I'm telling you this is flat out a lie. Everyone is creative! yearly gingerbread house party! I gather a group of friends, along with all of the fixings to assemble the gingerbread houses. A collection of candy like you've never seen. Besides assembling the houses & eating the candy, a lot of the fun comes from seeing all the different shape, styles and concepts that are created. Each one of us has had the ability to be creative from a very young age, we never loose it, we just sometimes stop taking the time to exercise it. So - start simple - buy a coloring book and some markers!
---->BONUS = Recommended DIY projects:
-30 DIY Home Decor Ideas
-38 Brilliant Home Office Decor Projects
-75 Ways to Exercise Creativity
TIP #5 - Lastly, brainstorm with a friend or colleague! Take the time to connect with someone - in real life - or - if you're not in the same location, try google hangout or a phone call! Sharing our wins together and bouncing ideas and questions off of someone else can bring inspiration and see things from another perspective. In a digital world, don't forget how important it is to truly connect, share & listen to build both relationships and a sustainable business.